The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

The bivortex particle has an analog in the ordinary apple.  Yes, the same legendary apple whose sudden plummet from the tree to the ground stirred Isaac Newton to thoughts about gravity!  The core of the apple represents the bivortex tube.  The stem end of the apple represents the north pole vortex.  The opposite end of the apple represents the south pole vortex.  The entire body of the apple is formed by subparticles flowing along bivortex field lines into the vortexes, out at the equator, and back again to the vortexes.  The bivortex field does not end at the peel of the apple but extends far beyond in a subparticle halo that echoes the shape of the apple. 

If, when looking down from above at the stem end, or North Pole, of the apple, one rotates the apple clockwise with the fingers, the entire apple appears to turn clockwise. If one continues to rotate the apple clockwise with both hands, holds
it overhead, and looks up from below, the entire apple appears to turn counterclockwise.  This same effect occurs if one simply inverts the apple while carefully continuing to rotate it in the same direction.

As one experiment, deposit two apples near each other on a table, with both apples stem up.  Use a pen to mark an arrow on each apple near the equator.  Both arrows should point in the same direction, say to the left--the direction an apple takes with stem-up, clockwise rotation.  Rotate both apples clockwise.  Watch the arrows.  Although both apples are rotating clockwise, the two arrows approach each other head-on from opposite directions.  If the apples were actual bivortex particles and the arrows represented the direction of equatorial disk subparticles, the outer subparticles of one bivortex would meet head-on with the outer suparticles of the other bivortex.  The head-on collisions of these outer subparticles would tend to prevent the two bivortexes from getting any closer together.  However, because the outermost subparticles intermesh, the two bivortexes would be mutually braked and would eddy around each other to become a binary pair.

As a second experiment, turn one of the apples upside down without changing the direction of its rotation.  Although each apple is rotating the same as before, the upside down apple--relative to the stem-up apple--appears to be turning counterclockwise while the stem-up apple continues to turn clockwise.  Again, watch the arrows.  When the arrows meet each other, they are pointing in the same direction instead of opposing directions.  If the apples were actual bivortex particles and the arrows represented the direction of equatorial disk subparticles, the outer subparticles of both bivortexes would flow concurrently and pull the bivortexes closer together while maintaining a parallel trajectory.  

Move together the stem-up apple and the stem-down apple so that they touch each other.  Then rotate just one of the apples, the stem-down apple for example.  Turn it counter-clockwise.  If it is actually touching the stem-up apple, friction will cause the stem-up apple to turn clockwise.  The interaction is similar to that of two cogwheels.  One can imagine that two bivortexes with opposite spin (but not fixed in place like cogwheels) would interact in the same manner as the two opposite-spin apples.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

Subparticles of a bivortex body flow along the field lines of the bivortex body. These flowing subparticles constitute the entirety of the bivortex body.  The motion of the subparticles along their bivortex-forming pathways creates the magnetic, electromagnetic, and gravitational field lines of the bivortex body.

Magnetic and electromagnetic field lines are generally described as bipolar. The familiar bar-magnet-with-iron-filings demonstration shows that iron filings align in arches between the north and south poles of the magnet. Hence, the field lines are considered to be bipolar.

Bivortex field lines, on the other hand, are quadrupolar. They flow inward at each polar vortex; radiate outward at the equatorial plane; arch oppositely northward and southward toward the pole from which they came; and return into the respective polar vortexes. Thus, bivortex field lines are less like the dipole of William Gilbert and Michael Faraday and more like the quadrupole of Hermann von Helmholtz.   Since the overall bivortex particle is itself rotating, the bivortex field lines take a spiral path from the equator toward the two poles, a spiral and three-dimensional path that the iron filings experiment cannot show.

Altogether the bivortex field lines form a toroidal sphere, which may be "solid" at the core and extremely "thin" at the outermost extension of the field lines. The moving particles that make up the field lines are constituent particles of a dynamic composite body. 

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