The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Friday, November 19, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

The bivortex theory suggests a new Bivortex Model for the structure of the atomic nucleus and for calculating atomic weights in the Periodic Table of Elements.

The Bivortex Periodic Table discards the "neutron." It considers the so-called "neutron" to be a special state of the proton, not a separate particle.  It suggests "neutron" may be used to designate a transient, extremely fast, energetic, non-spinning proton.  A proton in such a temporary, short-lived state would be electromagnetically neutral and would not be deflected by a magnetic field--but it would still be a proton. 

Instead of a convenient, vague "neutron," the Bivortex Periodic Table proposes a dynamic, structural explanation of the nucleus with its multitude of complex elements.  Spinning protons (composite bivortex quadrupolar particles) would combine with each other to form nuclei.  Two protons with opposite spin would merge pole-to-pole, forming a double-weight proton bound in a stack with the equivalent of a "weak" nuclear force.  Merger of a third proton with the first two would create a triple-weight stack. In another situation, two single-weight protons with same spin would form a binary pair of protons (rotating around a common center instead of stacking up) with the equivalent of a "strong" nuclear force. Each proton in this binary pair could, in turn be a single-weight, double-weight, or triple-weight stack of one, two, or three protons. 

Previously, atomic mass has been determined by adding together the number of "neutrons" and the number of protons.  The Bivortex Periodic Table declares "neutrons" to be protons and says atomic mass is determined by the total number of protons alone.  It categorizes the protons as  single-weight, double-weight, triple-weight, etc.  In other words, two protons merge chain-wise to form a double-weight proton.  Three protons merge chain-wise to form a triple-weight proton.  (It is considered unlikely that there might be four-proton or five proton-chains.)  The weight of an atom may be determined by adding together the weight of single protons, merged protons, and their combinations. The use of "neutrons" is eliminated altogether.

Following, for purposes of comparison, are a few details about the currently accepted Standard Model, which evolved and has been confirmed over a long history of mathematical and experimental observations.

The accepted Standard Model holds that the atomic nucleus consists of protons and "neutrons." The proton has a positive charge; the "neutron" has no charge. Each positively charged proton in the nucleus attracts one negatively charged electron into an orbit with a large radius around the nucleus. For example, the single proton of a hydrogen atom attracts one electron into orbit, and the 92 protons of a uranium atom attract 92 electrons into orbit. The total negative charges of the electrons always equal the total positive charges of the nuclear protons. The electrons orbit in successive shells far beyond the central nucleus, which is only about 1/10,000th the diameter of the overall atom including the electron shells. 

The number of protons in a single atom that defines which element the atom represents is called the "atomic number."  This number is 1 for hydrogen (1 proton), 2 for helium (2 protons), 6 for carbon (6 protons), 26 for iron (26 protons), 50 for tin (50 protons), and 92 for uranium (92 protons). The number of "neutrons" within a single atom of each element may vary without affecting the number of orbiting electrons. Each variation in the number of "neutrons" within an atom of a particular element is considered as a separate isotope of that element. By adding together the number of protons and the number of "neutrons," one gets the atomic weight, or "Mass Number." The common isotope for carbon is carbon-12, which means that the isotope has 6 protons (making it a carbon atom) and 6 "neutrons," for a total of 12 (6 protons + 6 "neutrons"). Since protons and "neutrons" have approximately the same mass and since the number of "neutrons" has no effect on the number of electrons, the principal effect of the 6 "neutrons" in the carbon-12 atom is to double the mass over what it would be if the atom had only 6 protons without any "neutrons." (The mass of one electron is only about 1/2000th that of a proton and hence is not taken into account for the mass number of the atom.) As a matter of fact, the simplest isotope of hydrogen--plain ordinary hydrogen--gets along very well with just one proton and one electron, having no "neutron" at all. Thus, ordinary hydrogen has an Atomic Number of "1" and a Mass Number of "1." The next hydrogen isotope, deuterium, has 1 proton:1 "neutron":1 electron, giving it an Atomic Number of "1" and a Mass Number of "2." The third hydrogen isotope, tritium, has 1 proton:2 "neutrons":1 electron, giving it an Atomic Number of "1" and a Mass Number of "3." 

The Standard Model states that protons and "neutrons" are themselves composites of smaller particles called quarks, which have yet to be observed.  We shall not discuss quarks here. 

The Bivortex Theory characterizes the Standard Model's "proton" as a bivortex particle.  The bivortex particle is composed of subparticles. The subparticles move in a recycling pattern or field. When viewed as a whole from a distance, the subparticles appear to have the shape of an apple. The composite apple rotates around an axis.  Its subparticles spiral clockwise into a vortex at one end of the axis and counterclockwise into a vortex at the other end of the axis. Each vortex carries the subparticles into a tube constituting the axis (the core of the apple). The two opposing streams of subparticles collide head-on at the center of the tube. The products of this collision project outward along radial field lines from the collision point. Depending upon the angle, some are drawn back to the tube along its length, and others produce an equatorial bulge and an equatorial disk, before returning along more extended field line loops to opposite vortexes. Those departing from the plane of the disk latitudinally toward the opposite vortexes form a spheroidal halo of subparticles. A few equatorial subparticles may escape the bivortex field altogether in the form of radiation from the outer rim of the equatorial disk, never to return to the bivortex. 

The bivortex, in addition to rotating or spinning, moves along through space. Let us imagine that it encounters a much smaller bivortex that is only about 1/2000th its own mass [the electron of the Standard Model]. The small bivortex spins in the opposite direction. In other words, its axis is inverted relative to the axis of the larger bivortex. As the two bivortexes approach each other, the subparticles at the outer edges of their equatorial disks will come into contact moving in the same parallel direction. This will tend to draw the two bivortexes together until the small bivortex reaches an equilibrium point similar to a LaGrange point. The small bivortex will continue to orbit the large bivortex at that equilibrium point. [Here, with foreknowledge of the Standard Model, we recognize that this bivortex arrangement is the same as an atom of ordinary hydrogen with one positively charged proton and one negatively charged electron.] 

The above bivortex together with its small orbiting companion now meets a look-alike bivortex, also with a small orbiting companion. This look-alike bivortex also spins in an opposite direction from the original bivortex. In other words its axis is reversed relative to the original bivortex. The subparticles at the outer edges of their equatorial disks come into contact moving in the same parallel direction, and they are drawn close to each other. Their adjacent hemispheres on the same side of their equators tilt against each other and continue tilting as if they had interlocking cogs until their two vortexes are drawn together, spiraling in the same direction. It is as if two apples, one with stem-up and the other with stem-down, tilted together until the apple which had been stem-down has now flipped stem-up on top of the original stem-up apple. The two apples become one double-apple, with the stem at the top and with the core extending all the way down through both apples. One of the two original small bivortexes (electrons) will be lost or ejected, because there is now only one large bivortex (albeit double-size) to orbit. The rule is one electron to one bivortex, whether or not the bivortex is single, double, or triple. The composition of this doublet bivortex atom would be 1 doublet bivortex, 1 electron, Atomic Number 1, Mass Number 2. In the Standard Model its composition would be 1 proton, 1 "neutron," 1 electron, Atomic Number 1, Mass Number 2. It is the hydrogen isotope known as deuterium. In the Bivortex Model the mass is doubled because 1 doublet bivortex is 2 times as heavy as 1 singlet bivortex. In the Standard Model, the mass is doubled because 1 "neutron" is added to 1 proton. 

Now imagine that a third singlet bivortex atom approaches the doublet bivortex atom. This singlet bivortex can merge, in the same manner, with the doublet bivortex, creating a triplet bivortex atom. Its composition would be 1 triplet bivortex, 1 electron, Atomic Number 1, Mass Number 3. In the Standard Model its composition would be 1 proton, 2 "neutrons," 1 electron, Atomic Number 1, Mass Number 3. This hydrogen isotope is known as tritium. In the Bivortex Model the mass is tripled because 1 triplet bivortex is 3 times as heavy as 1 singlet bivortex. In the Standard Model, the mass is tripled because 2 "neutrons" are added to 1 proton.  The "neutron," which was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932, served a useful purpose. It was a neutral particle that conveniently accounted for changes in atomic weight without affecting the one-to-one ratio of positive protons and negative electrons in the atom. In that role it has had a long and distinguished career. Perhaps, however, Chadwick's neutral particle was only a hydrogen atom; perhaps it was a proton temporarily propelled at a speed too high to be deflected magnetically; or perhaps it was a proton temporarily without spin, rendering it neutral. Whatever the nature of it, the highly regarded, long-respected "neutron" is considered by the Bivortex Theory to be a fictitious impostor. 

The Periodic Table of Elements, as currently used, arranges both naturally occurring and artificially made elements in the order of the number of protons each element possesses. The elements begin with Atomic Number 1 (Hydrogen), which has 1 proton, and continue successively through Atomic Number 118 (Ununoctium), an element noted as "Not Yet Observed," with 118 protons. The Periodic Table also lists a Mass Number (Atomic Weight) for a representative isotope of each element. This Mass Number is the sum of the number of protons and the number of "neutrons" in the atomic nucleus. One may find the number of "neutrons" by subtracting the Atomic Number (protons) from the Mass Number (protons plus "neutrons"). Since the Atomic Number and the Mass Number for Hydrogen are both 1, the number of "neutrons" in a Hydrogen atom is zero. Since the Atomic Number for Uranium is 92 (protons) and the Mass Number is 238, the number of "neutrons" in a Uranium atom is 146. 

The Bivortex Theory would maintain the Atomic Number sequence of the current Periodic Table of Elements. It would also agree with the Atomic Weights given in the Table. However, it would do away with the assumption that the difference between the Mass Number (Atomic Weight) and the Atomic Number represents the number of "neutrons" in the atom. Instead, the Bivortex Theory would institute a system of listing the number of singlet bivortexes [protons], doublet bivortexes [protons], and triplet bivortexes [protons] that compose the nucleus of each element. By adding these three numbers one would obtain the Atomic Number--the total number of bivortexes, whether singlet, doublet, or triplet. By multiplying the number of singlets by 1, the number of doublets by 2, the number of triplets by 3, and adding the products together, one would obtain the Mass Number (Atomic Weight) of the atom. The Mass Number or Atomic Weight would thus represent the structural organization of the atom, instead of using "neutrons" to account for differences in atomic weight.  Isotopes of an element would have various bivortex combinations of singlets, doublets, and triplets, as shown in the following examples: 

Hydrogen.  1 bivortex (1 singlet). Atomic No. 1. Mass No. 1 (1x1=1). Electrons 1. 

Deuterium. 1 bivortex (1 doublet) Atomic No. 1. Mass No. 2 (1x2=2). Electrons 1. 

Tritium.  1 bivortex (1 triplet). Atomic No. 1. Mass No. 3 (1x3=3). Electrons 1. 

Helium.  2 bivortexes (2 doublets) Atomic No. 2. Mass No. 4 (2x2=4). Electrons 2. 

Carbon.  6 bivortexes (2 singlets, 2 doublets, 2 triplets). Atomic No. 6. Mass No.
12 (2x1=2, 2x2=4, 2x3=6 and 2+4+6=12). Electrons 6. 

Oxygen.  8 bivortexes (3 singlets, 2 doublets, 3 triplets). Atomic No. 8. Mass
No. 16 (3x1=3, 2x2=4, 3x3=9 and 3+4+9=16). Electrons 8. 

Chlorine.  17 bivortexes (5 singlets, 6 doublets, 6 triplets). Atomic No. 17. Mass
No. 35 (5x1=5, 6x2=12, 6x3=18 and 5+12+18=35). Electrons 17.

Tin.  50 bivortexes (4 singlets, 23 doublets, 23 triplets). Atomic No. 50. Mass
No. 119 (4x1=4, 23x2=46, 23x3=69 and 4+46+69=119). Electrons 50. 

Uranium.  92 bivortexes (0 singlets, 38 doublets, 54 triplets). Atomic No. 92. Mass
No. 238 (0x1=0, 38x2=76, 54x3=162 and 0+76+162=238). Electrons 92.

Many individual elements of the Periodic Table may have multiple possibilities of singlet/doublet/triplet combinations. Many of the individual isotopes of elements also may have multiple possibilities of singlet/doublet/triplet combinations. These combinations would likely affect the structure and the stability of the atom. It is left to someone else to calculate the combination possibilities and to indicate which combinations are the most stable or most likely to decay. There are also the questions of what determines the combinations; the arrangement of the combinations; whether there are longer bivortex chains (quadruplets, quintuplets); whether there are binary, side-by-side bivortex combinations as well as pole-to-pole combinations; whether a binary combination "morphs" toroidally into one larger bivortex, etc.

Regarding the above Bivortex Model, it is interesting to note the following passage by Clifford E. Swartz, The Fundamental Particle, p. 47--

"The strong nuclear force is independent of the electric charge. There is the same force between proton-proton, proton-neutron, and neutron-neutron. In fact, as far as this interaction is concerned, the proton and neutron are one and the same thing but in different electric charge states, even as two magnets might be in different energy states if a magnetic field were turned on." 

Also, this passage by Gordon Kane, The Particle Garden, p. 176--

"Both neutrons and protons form nuclei. They interact with each other and with nuclei similarly. Why do we think of protons and neutrons as different objects? Well, obviously, because the proton has electric charge and the neutron does not. However, nuclear interactions don't depend in any way on electric charge, and nuclear interactions are much stronger than electromagnetic interactions, so the electric charge is in some ways just a minor perturbation. Such reasoning led to the idea that neutrons and protons should really be thought of as two different states of a single 'particle,' a nucleon.

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