The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

By George William Kelly

I suggest that a “black hole” could be a “highly illuminated” gravity vacuum at the center of a spinning bivortex star. 

All particles would have been sucked from the vacuum’s volume by the powerfully concentrated flow of particle streams that constitute the star’s quadrupole gravito-electro-magnetic field lines.  [The field of the bivortex star is viewed as quadrupole instead of dipole.]  The vacuum’s volume would vary in size with the force of the field-line particle flow. 

The field-line particles of the bivortex star spiral vortically into its two poles and continue along the star’s axis to its central core.  The particles spiral clockwise at one pole and counter-clockwise at the other pole.  At the star’s center the opposing concentrated particle streams meet.  The particles swirl topologically to form a hollow oblate spheroid depleted of all interior particles.  The inside is a vacuum.  The field-lines are the vacuum’s horizon. 

The hollow spheroidal topology produces an extremely strong vacuum at the core of the star.  The vacuum’s strength, volume, and horizon are determined by the speed and intensity of the particles flowing around it.  The “black hole” vacuum cannot emit light without particles of its own, but its space must be “well lit,” so to speak, by the flowing particles that constitute its horizon.   

The field lines do not terminate with the vacuum. They spin off the equatorial perimeter of the oblate spheroid and spread radially along the equatorial plane of the star.  Each field line consists of a continuous progression of particles, one after the other.

The particles leaving the core at the star’s equatorial plane follow field lines that curve successively away from the equatorial plane at increasingly graduated intervals.  The field lines arch in opposite hemispherical directions, some returning to the star’s axis and some to the two poles.  The field lines spiral again into the polar vortexes and return to the center of the star, continuously recycling.  These bivortex field lines are comparable to the quadrupolar field lines of the Helmholz coil when the current in one of the coils is reversed. [For a diagram of a Helmholtz coil, see:  ]

The ultimate return of all field lines toward the center resembles what we call gravity. The field lines seem to clarify Einstein’s “curved space.”  That is the reason for referring to them as “gravito-electro-magnetic” field lines.  It would seem that gravity may be determined by the flow of particles along the field lines of spinning composite bivortex bodies—field lines which diminish in strength with distance from the center, and which engage at a distance with the field lines of other stars. 

The volume and force of a bivortex star’s core vacuum (“black hole”) wax and wane with the star’s rotational speed, as well as with the availability of surrounding particles to permit growth and the availability of other bivortex stars to permit mergers. 

While the description above applies to a bivortex star, the functioning of all spinning composite bivortex bodies should be the same, whether subatomic or cosmological. 
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Archive Titles 
To view a title, click on the appropriate archive date in column at right of page. 

The Bivortex Particle    ( May 31, 2004)
Bivortex Spin     (June 3, 2004)
The Bivortex Field     (June 3, 2004)
The Bivortex Quadrupole Field     (August 8, 2004)
Bivortex Equatorial Disks     (August 13, 2004)
Bivortex Field Effects     (August 15, 2004)
The Bivortex Periodic Table     (November 19, 2004)
Stumbling Upon a Grand Unified Theory     (December 8, 2004)
The Bivortex in Cyclones and Tornadoes     (May 7, 2007)
The Bivortex Model of the Sun (A Proposed Mechanism Underlying Sunspot Cycles)   (May 20, 2007)
The Bivortex and Moving Volcanic Hotspots     (January 1, 2008)
The Bivortex Mechanism Underlying Plate Tectonics     (April 7, 2008)
The Primordial Photon     (June 27, 2008)
Sunspot Cycles  the Parana Parana River Stream Flow     (November 2008)
The Bivortex and Dark-Matter Photons     (July 23, 2009)
An Invitation to Vortex Tube Manufacturers     (March 24, 2010)
BBSO [Big Bear Solar Observatory] High-Resolution Sunspot Images     (September 16, 2010)
The Bivortex Anatomy of Hurricane Irene     (August 31, 2011)      
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Prolonged Use of Caffeine     (September 11, 2011) 
Four Phases in the Lifetime of Average Solar Flares    (September 16, 2011) 
Accelerated Expansion of the Universe   (October 9, 2011)
"Black Hole" Described as Gravity Vacuum at Core of Bivortex Star  (January 17, 2012)

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