The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Monday, April 07, 2008
Copyright 2008 George William Kelly

The Bivortex Model provides a mechanism for the changing configuration of the Earth's land masses during the geological history of the planet.  If one looks at the Earth as a bivortex, one can understand the continuous formation of the earth's crust and the multiple rearrangements of that crust, which we observe as plate tectonics.

A bivortex is a spinning spheroidal body composed of smaller particles moving in a pattern that determines the shape of the bivortex.  That shape resembles the shape of an apple.  At each axial pole the subparticles flow inward, forming two polar vortexes. At each vortex the accelerating particles spiral inward and become the wall of an axial tube. The particles continue toward the tube's center. At the center the particles converge into a core, which is itself a bivortex--a miniature version of the larger, outer bivortex. The axis and the equator of the core-bivortex coincide with those of the outer bivortex. The core-bivortex radiates particles outward along the equatorial plane of the outer bivortex. The paths of the radiated particles divide along the equatorial plane of the outer bivortex.  The paths bend in opposite directions from the equator and return to the opposite halves of the axial tube wall and to the opposite polar vortexes.  This recirculation of the particles--along with the intake of new particles from the bivortex vicinity--determines the shape, the growth, and the lifetime of the bivortex body.  The bivortex body can grow into a larger bivortex by attracting more and more surrounding particles toward its vortexes and by merging with other bivortex bodies. 

The pathways of the flowing, recirculating component particles are the "field lines" of the bivortex.  The bivortex field is a quadrupole, unified gravito-electro-magnetic field.  The field lines exit at the equator and return in opposite directions toward the north and south poles.  Thus they differ from the bipolar field lines traditionally described for a bar magnet, where the magnet's field lines are illustrated exiting one pole and flowing to the opposite pole. (Perhaps an experiment that has a bar magnet spinning rapidly in a cloud of magnetic dust particles might result in a quadrupole pattern.)

Sometimes an equatorial disk and a spherical halo may extend beyond the surface of a bivortex sphere.  Collimated jets also may emerge from the poles of a bivortex, as observed by radio astronomers in bipolar jet galaxies and by meteorologists in tornadoes descending from thunderstorm clouds.

The Bivortex Model can be appropriately applied to the Earth; to stars like the Sun; to galaxies; to hurricanes/thunderstorms/tornadoes, and to subatomic particles.  Here I shall consider only its application to the shuffling and reshuffling of the Earth's land masses and ocean floors, the process known as plate tectonics.

Assuming the Earth to be a bivortex, its core-bivortex will be denser and hotter than its polar vortexes. Over time a cooler shell (or core) will form around the central core-bivortex. A still cooler mantle will form around that shell. Finally, an even cooler crust will form at the outer bivortex surface.

From its beginning the bivortex Earth attracted particles of matter into its opposite polar vortexes.  These vortex particles traveled toward each other through the opposite halves of the Earth's axial tube.  They converged at the center, the core-bivortex of the Earth.  They radiated outward from this core-bivortex along the equatorial plane.  At graduated points along the equatorial plane, depending upon their momentum, the particles curved back toward each half of the axial tube, back toward the opposite polar vortexes.  Those particles that traveled the farthest along the radii of the equatorial plane formed the outermost limit or surface of the bivortex Earth's sphere.

As the Earth grew older and expanded in size, the outward flow of hot, energetic particles from the Earth's core-bivortex created the Earth's bulge and its spheroidal shape.  The bulge became progressively cooler from the central core toward the outer boundary.  Eventually the outer face of the Earth's surface cooled enough to begin forming a crust. Over many millions of years this crust became thicker and thicker in a belt or band around the Earth's equator.  This band of crust was constantly fed by the hot flow of particles from the central core-bivortex along the radii of the equator.  It grew thicker and thicker until it formed a single supercontinent encircling the Earth at the equator.  Beyond the north and south margins of this equatorial supercontinent the Earth's crust was both thinner and lower in elevation.  This thinner, shallower crust became the floor of a north polar ocean and a south polar ocean, bordering the supercontinent on either side.

At some point the spinning bivortex Earth began to wobble, or precess.  The core-bivortex wobbled separately from the outer bivortex.  In time the core-bivortex wobbled too far and began to tumble pole-over-pole, while continuing its spin.  The outer Earth bivortex continued its spin also, but its axis remained in the same position as before; it did not tumble pole-over-pole like the core-bivortex. This situation resulted in a profound change in the original supercontinent that formed a band around the equator of the Earth. 

Let us say that the core-bivortex north pole began to tumble from its original position at the north pole of the outer Earth bivortex; that in 90 million years the core-bivortex north pole reached the equator of the outer bivortex; that in 180 million years it reached the south pole of the outer bivortex; that in 270 million years it again reached the equator of the outer bivortex; and that in 360 million years it completed its 360-degree circular tumble back to the north pole of the outer bivortex. 

In the same time period the equator of the core-bivortex, like the polar axis, would have tumbled 360 degrees also, spewing out hot core particles toward the outer bivortex surface as it tumbled.  This tumbling of the core-bivortex's equator would have created new growth of continental crust at progressive angles to the original equatorial supercontinent.  The new growth would have been perpendicular to the original supercontinent when the core-bivortex poles reached the equator of the outer bivortex.  This perpendicular growth of new continental crust would split up the original supercontinent, push its segments apart, and allow new oceans to connect the original north and south oceans.  This process was the beginning of plate tectonics, with new mid-ocean ridges pushing apart and rearranging the original equatorial supercontinent. 

There is another effect of the tumbling core-bivortex.  Collimated bipolar jets could result in two streams of hot particles, shooting from the tumbling core-bivortex poles to the crust of the outer bivortex.  While the core-bivortex tumbled, each of its poles could have sent a concentrated jet of hot particles (known as a "plume" to geologists) to the outer bivortex surface.  This would explain "hot spot" volcanic seamount-island chains perpendicular to the mid-ocean ridges caused by the core-bivortex's equatorial outpouring.  The visible example on today's Earth is the Emperor-Hawaii seamount-island chain.  This chain seems to be taking about 90 million years to complete its "hot spot" tumble from the North Pole to the equator.  (The age of the northernmost end of the chain, near the Aleutian Islands, has been estimated at 70 million years, while the age of Hawaii is "recent."  Add another 20 million years to include the distances from the North Pole to the Aleutians and from Hawaii to the equator.)  If this is correct, a second "hot spot" chain emanating from the bivortex pole opposite the pole that produced the Emperor-Hawaii chain should be identifiable.  It would stretch from the South Pole to an area antipodal to Hawaii--perhaps Reunion Island or the Comoros Islands. 

If Hawaii and Reunion result from polar plumes from the two poles of today's core-bivortex of the Earth, a circular band of newly forming continental crust along the core-bivortex equator (perpendicular to the core-bivortex's polar axis) would produce the well-documented mid-Atlantic Ocean ridge as one half of this band.  Perhaps the other half of this circular band can be identified along West-Pacific "seafloor spreading centers." These spreading centers appear in the Tasman Sea near New Zealand; in the Coral Sea; in the Parece Vela and Shikoku spreading centers near the Marianas and Japan; and in the Okhotsk Sea near Kamchatka.  It should be noted that this assumed circular band of mid-Atlantic and West-Pacific seafloor-spreading ridges is an imperfect circle.  The circle meanders along a path of least resistance, finding outlets in the rifts or boundaries between tectonic plates.

One other effect of the tumbling of the core-bivortex is seen in the reversals of magnetic polarity in rocks created over long periods of the Earth's history.  As the north and south poles of the core-bivortex crossed the equator of the outer bivortex, the magnetic polar orientation would be reversed.  When the poles were a short distance from the outer bivortex equator, the Earth's wobble would explain brief adjacent magnetic reversals.

Several revolutions of the tumbling core-bivortex of the Earth probably have taken place during the Earth's history. This would account for several different "hot spot" island chains in different locations and explain the aggregation and re-aggregation of several successive supercontinents.

If the bivortex mechanism is indeed the underlying cause of plate tectonics, it has exercised a profound effect upon the Earth's geology, geography, climate, and biological life.

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