The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Friday, August 13, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

The bivortex particle is a dynamic topological body consisting of moving subparticles.

The moving subparticles recycle continuously in a bivortex field pattern, which defines the overall bivortex particle. The subparticles spiral inward clockwise to constitute one polar vortex and counterclockwise to constitute an opposite polar vortex. At the vertex of each funnel-like vortex the subparticles converge into the bivortex tube that connects the two vortexes. Within the tube the subparticles travel in tighter and tighter helices toward each other from the opposite poles. They increase in speed and focus until they collide at the center point of the tube and ricochet outward. As they radiate from the center, they create the equatorial bulge of the bivortex's spheroidal shape. The subparticles then arch northward and southward, returning toward the tube and the two vortexes. The subparticles begin a new cycle when they re-enter at the polar vortexes or at intermediate points along the lenghth of the axial tube.

When there is a sufficient attraction of new subparticles from the vicinity of the bivortex and when the spinning of the bivortex tube reaches sufficient speed and focus, the expulsion of subparticles from the central collision point may drive the subparticles well beyond the equatorial circumference of the bivortex and create an equatorial disk. The equatorial disk may reach a considerable distance past the bivortex spheroid's "surface." The subparticles of the disk will successively arch northward or southward from the disk and find their way back to the two polar vortexes, albeit along stretched-out bivortex field lines. They create two sets of loop currents, the northern hemispherical set and the southern hemispherical set. The expelled equatorial subparticles may aggregate into "rings" like the rings of Saturn. Some of them will depart above or below the rings toward the opposite poles, thus forming a halo. Other disk subparticles--those at escape velocity--may break connection and pass beyond the perimeter of the equatorial disk never to return, leaving open field lines and carrying information about the bivortex to neighboring or far-distant places in the universe.

Because of the outward path of subparticles along the equatorial plane, the equatorial disk could be called an "expulsion disk." Historically, however, equatorial disks have been referred to as "accretion disks." Following is a traditional definition of "accretion disk" from the internet Wikipedia encyclopedia:

"An accretion disk is a structure formed by material falling into a gravitational source. Conservation of angular momentum requires that, as a large cloud of material collapses inward, any small rotation it may have will increase. Centrifugal force causes the rotating cloud to collapse into a disk, and tidal effects will tend to align this disk's rotation with the rotation of the gravitational source in the center. Friction between the particles of the disk generates heat and saps orbital momentum, causing material in the disk to spiral inward until it impacts on the central body."

The above paragraph conflicts with the bivortex concept in two ways.

1. The traditional definition has the disk developing from outside as part of the original gravitational formation of a body. On the other hand, the bivortex creates its disk by expelling subparticles from within itself at the equator--a kind of overflow from the influx of particles into the polar vortexes.

2. The traditional definition has material (subparticles) spiraling inward via the disk to be deposited on the central body, presumably, near the equator. On the other hand, the bivortex recycles outgoing subparticles from the disk toward the two poles. Subparticles arriving from outside the bivortex would make contact at the circumference of the disk but would be guided along the hemispherical field lines toward the two polar vortexes.

It would seem desirable to refer to such disks as equatorial disks (instead of accretion disks or expulsion disks). This allows the possibility that the disks could be involved in both expulsion and accretion.
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