Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Proposed Mechanism Underlying Sunspot Cycles
Copyright 2007 George William Kelly
The sun is known to be a sphere that rotates on its axis. Let us suppose that the solar sphere is not a perfect sphere but rather like an an apple, displaying a funnel or a vortex at each pole, a connecting tube, and a central core.
Suppose this bivortex sun is not solid but is composed of smaller particles which recirculate constantly to maintain the apple shape. These subparticles flow through the polar vortexes into an axial tube, collide at the central core, and radiate outwardly along the equatorial plane. The subparticles do not escape the sphere. Their paths divide along the equatorial plane. Half of the subparticles arch northward, and half of them arch southward, returning one and all in single files to their respective hemispheres and polar vortexes. In this manner the subparticles maintain the sun's bivorticity and its equatorial bulge.
The paths that solar subparticles follow are thought to be identical to the lines we use to describe an electromagnetic field. However, in this bivortex model these lines are quadrupolar, not bipolar. Previous models of the sun have depicted field lines that reach from pole to pole. The proposed bivortex model shows field lines diverging from the equatorial plane toward the opposite poles. Such a quadrupolar field resembles the quadrupolar electromagnetic field produced by a Helmholtz coil. Some of the lines extend far beyond the solar surface, forming a magnetosphere, but all eventually return, unless broken, to the polar vortexes and the vortex tube. Because the sun rotates, the field lines follow a spiraling return journey to the bivortex tube.
Let us consider how this model of the sun explains the long-observed sunspot cycle. To do this, we assume that a smaller, denser bivortex body forms the core of our apple sun. It too rotates, like the sun. Its subparticles also flow in at its polar vortexes and out at its equator. Because of the tremendous energy of this bivortex central core, it constantly ejects miniature bivortex bodies outward at its equatorial plane. These baby bivortex bodies (bivorts, for short) rise like bubbles through the body of the bivortex sun. They arrive at the solar surface with their bivortex tubes parallel to the surface and also parallel to the equator. Their own equatorial bulges break the surface first, their field lines forming arcs. Next their two polar vortexes appear. We see these vortexes from earth as a pair of solar sunspots, one with a north pole magnetic polarity and one with a south pole magnetic polarity. The bivortex/sunspot pairs migrate with the rotation of the sun and eventually disappear as they enter the north and south polar vortexes of the sun.
If we assume that the axis of the bivortex core is aligned with the axis of the bivortex sun, all its ejected baby bivortex bodies would erupt from the solar surface along the solar equator. Their appearances would be more or less constant. There would be neither sunspot maximums nor sunspot minimums and hence no sunspot cycles. Now let us suppose that the bivortex core is not only spinning on its axis but also tumbling pole over pole. When the tumbling core axis and the solar axis are perpendicular to each other, the core's equator would aim its equatorial baby bivortex bodies toward the solar poles. The baby bivorts would largely disappear in the turbulence of the sun's bivortex tube and polar vortexes. This period would correspond to what observers have called the sunspot minimum period. As the core continues its tumble, its equator emerges from the polar vortex cones, and the baby bivorts--the sunspots--begin to appear again outside the vicinity of the sun's north and south poles. As the core's tumble progresses, its axis begins to realign with the sun's axis and its equator with the sun's equator. The sunspots increase toward the sun's equator, producing the sunspot maximum period.
We can diagram the maximum/minimum sunspot cycles by drawing a circle with a dotted vertical line for its north-south axis. On this circle we impose an "X" with its arms creating four 90-degree segments. The top and bottom segments represent sunspot minimum periods that occur when the core's equator passes through the sun's polar regions. The two side segments represent sunspot maximum periods that occur when the core's axis aligns with the sun's axis. Each of the four segments is allotted 5.5 years, resulting in an 11-year sunspot cycle from minimum to minimum and another 11-year sunspot cycle from maximum to maximum. Together the four segments of the diagram represent the 22-years in a complete 360-degree tumble of the sun's bivortex core. When the core's north and south poles cross over the solar equator, the observed polarity of the sunspot pairs (baby bivortex north and south poles) is reversed.
This diagram may also explain coronal holes observed toward the north and south poles of the sun.
It should be noted that the quadrupole electromagnetic field suggested here might be considered as a gravito-electromagnetic field. The reason is that this model attracts all particles back toward the central core and axial tube, equating gravity's pull toward the center. In addition to the central pull of its own subparticles, the spin of one composite bivortex body vis-à-vis the spin of another composite bivortex body affects gravitational attraction or repulsion between the two bodies. Bivortex bodies with opposite spin will attract each other because their gravito-electromagnetic field subparticles mesh together in the same direction, eventually leading to a rolling up on one another and a pole-to-pole merger of the two bodies. Bivortex bodies with the same spin will repel each other because their gravito-electromagnetic field subparticles meet head on. However, entangling of their subparticles will "hook" the two bodies together and cause them to eddy around each other as a binary pair.
The model proposed here for the sun is believed to apply generally to stars and galaxies. In the evolution of galaxies, the bivortex tube corresponds to the bar of barred galaxies. When a bivortex star has grown sufficiently large and energetic, powerful bipolar jets are ejected from both ends of the bivortex tube, extending thousands of light years. As the central star moves through space, one jet may meet more resistance from dust clouds than the other jet, causing it to bend backward and to initiate a tumbling of the original bivortex star. The two jets will thus wrap around the tumbling original star to form a spiral galaxy. The tumbling original bivortex star will continue rotating on its own axis, which will be perpendicular to the axis of the spiral.
This proposed model for the sun also applies to protons at the subatomic level. One electron would occupy a LaGrangian point in the proton's equatorial disk to create hydrogen. Two opposite-spin protons would merge pole-to-pole to form deuterium--a double-weight proton bivortex with a double-weight (muon) electron. Merger with a third proton would produce tritium--a triple-weight proton bivortex with a triple-weight (tau) electron. The concept of neutrons would be rendered superfluous, since the pole-to-pole merging of two protons results in one double-weight proton bivortex with only one electron. Two same-spin hydrogen protons would lead to a binary pair of single proton bivortexes with two electrons (helium 2). The periodic table can be built in this manner entirely of different combinations of protons, without the use of "neutrons" to account for weight differences. Strong and weak nuclear forces would be accounted for by binary-pair force or pole-to-pole-merger force.