Saturday, November 29, 2008
Copyright 2008 George William Kelly
A recent study by Pablo J. D. Mauas et al. found a "strong correlation" over a hundred-year period between the number of sunspots and the stream flow of the Parana River in South America (Physical Review Letters, vol. 101, p. 168501).
The Parana River, which flows from southern Brazil to its mouth near Buenos Aires, Argentina, covers a drainage basin area of more than three million square kilometers. It is the fourth largest river in the world according to stream flow. Thus, it provides a good indication of rainfall over a wide area, smoothing out local variations. Daily measurements of its flow have been made in Argentina since 1904. Sunspot maximum and minimum numbers, with an 11-year cycle, have been carefully recorded over a much longer period.
Mauas and his colleagues found "a strong correlation with the sunspot number, in multidecadal time scales, and with larger solar activity corresponding to larger stream flow." They described the statistical agreement between the sunspot number and the Parana's stream flow as "quite remarkable."
In this blog, we would like to suggest our Bivortex Model as a mechanism for the sunspot/rainfall relationship reported by the Parana streamflow study. (See May
2007 Archive: "The Bivortex Model of the Sun," and April 2008 Archive: "The Bivortex Mechanism Underlying Plate Tectonics.")
The Bivortex Model characterizes the Sun and the Earth as composite bivortex bodies. With such bodies, composite particles flow into north and south polar vortexes; continue through an axial tube; converge toward the center to form a core-bivortex; radiate outward along the equatorial plane; diverge from the equator toward the poles; re-enter the polar vortexes, and continuously repeat this cycle, thus creating a topological bivortex. The paths of the particles constitute a quadrupolar gravito-electro-magnetic field. As described in the above-mentioned bivortex blog archives, a core-bivortex is theorized at the center of the outer bivortex, for both the sun and the earth.
The sun's core-bivortex expells mini-bivortex "bubbles" from its equatorial disk, and these mini-bivortexes appear at the solar surface as sunspots-cum-irradiation. Because the sun's core-bivortex is tumbling pole-over-pole, the sunspots appear in two successive 11-year cycles. The sunspot "maximums" occur when the core-bivortex equator aligns with the solar equator. The "minimums" occur when the core-bivortex equator aligns with the solar north-south axis.
When the solar irradiation particles from sunspots reach the earth, they spiral into the North Pole and South Pole vortexes of the earth. (On the leeward side the sunspot particles are dragged out into the magnetotail, but eventually they too return to the polar vortexes.) This vortex inflow of solar particles heats up the earth's core. From the core the flow proceeds outward toward the earth's surface, primarily along the equatorial plane. This earth warming, coincident with sunspot maximums, could contribute to the increase of rainfall in the Parana basin.
There is another factor, as well. The earth's own core-bivortex may also tumble pole-over-pole, like the core-bivortex of the sun. Similarly, its equator would propel heat outward toward the earth's equatorial surface. As theorized in our April 2008 Archive, the poles of the earth's core-bivortex are currently centered on Hawaii and the Commoros/Reunion vicinity while its equator is producing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the east of Argentina. Cyclic intensification of volcanic eruptions along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge could periodically heat the ocean off Latin America and thus influence the fluctuation of rainfall in the Parana basin.