The Bivortex Theory of Everything
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

If one uses as a paradigm an apple-shaped bivortex particle, one can attribute "attractive" gravity to the bivortex field acceleration which is exhibited by subparticles as they recycle toward the central, rotating axial tube of the bivortex particle. All subparticles in the bivortex field are attracted toward the central tube, either along its axis or into its two polar vortexes.

Similarly, one can attribute "repellent" gravity to the bivortex field acceleration exhibited by subparticles as they radiate outward along the bivortex equator when two opposing axial subparticle streams collide at the center of the bivortex tube.

The strength of bivortex attractive gravity presumably decreases with latitudinal distance from the poles, and that of bivortex repellent gravity with latitudinal distance from the equator.

The attractive gravity and repellent gravity described above apply to a single bivortex particle. They affect the subparticles comprising the bivortex particle itself as well as free subparticles in the vicinity of the bivortex particle.

Now consider what happens gravitationally when two separate spinning bivortex particles approach each other. Assume that each has within its bivortex field a halo and an equatorial disk consisting of subparticles. The two bivortex particles may approach with various orientations, for example, north pole up, north pole down, equator-to-equator, or pole-to-pole. The direction of physical force exerted, upon contact, by the outer subparticles of the two bivortex particles will depend upon the orientation of the two bivortex particles.

Let us use two apples of the same size for a thought experiment.

First, place both apples stem up on a table near each other. Rotate both apples counterclockwise. Assume that subparticles in the equatorial disk of each apple will make the initial contact midway between the two apples. Observe that the outer subparticles of the apple on the left and the outer subparticles of the apple on the right meet each other head-on. This should tend to slow their approach toward each other. In addition, the opposing subparticles would intermesh and cause the two to orbit each other, sharing an orbital axis.

Second, place one apple stem up and the other stem down. Rotate the stem-up apple counterclockwise as before, but rotate the stem-down apple clockwise. Observe that upon contact the outer subparticles of both apples move in the same direction. These subparticles should tend to push each other along and attract the two apples closer to each other.

Following is a description, similar to the above, of the behavior of vortexes in a fluid (p. 317, A. Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, 2003):

"Consider two vortices. . . . they repel each other by a logarithmic interaction. They move perpendicular to the force. Thus they end up circling each other. In contrast, consider a vortex and an antivortex, which attract each other. As a result of this attraction, they both move in the same direction, perpendicular to the straight line joining them (See Fig. VI.3.1). The vortex and antivortex move along in step, maintaining the distance between them."

Going back to our apples, the two stem-up apples thus would begin to circle each other without moving closer to each other. In effect, they would form a binary pair. The second two apples, one stem-up and the other stem down, would continue straight ahead side-by-side and perhaps eventually make full contact with each other. (This thought experiment is assuming that both apples are the same size and rotate at the same speed.)

Finally, let us assume that the two apples approach each other with a pole-to-pole orientation. Position both apples on the table with stem-end up. Lift one apple above the other. Rotate both apples counterclockwise. Lower the upper apple until it balances on top of the apple on the table. Continue rotating the bottom apple and observe that both apples now rotate counterclockwise as a single unit. Assume that this double-decker apple has now become a merged apple with one north pole and one south pole. (Before merger there were two north poles and two south poles.) This merged apple is twice the size of one of the single apples that we began with.

This double-decker-apple thought experiment has a striking resemblance to the creation of one heavy hydrogen (deuterium) atom from two hydrogen atoms. Let each apple represent one hydrogen nucleus (proton) with one electron off to the side. Add a second apple. The two apples will total two hydrogen nuclei (protons) with two electrons off to the side. Say that each hydrogen nucleus (proton) has a north pole vortex and a south pole vortex so that the two hydrogen nuclei will have a total of two north pole vortexes and two south pole vortexes. When one apple (proton) is placed on top of the other apple (proton), one south pole vortex and one north pole vortex merge, leaving us with only one north pole vortex and one south pole vortex. We now can call the upper apple a proton and the bottom apple a "neutron" (or vice versa). The merged apple will have only one electron off to the side. Apparently each north pole/south pole bivortex has room for only one electron off to the side. The other electron will be lost. We assume that the heavy hydrogen (deuterium) atom now acts as a single bivortex particle with a single electron, even though it has two apples (photon and "neutron") now stuck together or merged, pole-to-pole. The newly merged bivortex particle with two polar vortexes has one positive charge that holds only one electron even though it is now a "double proton" (one proton and one "neutron").

Once merged (with both joined-together apples rotating counterclockwise) the south pole vortex of the upper apple and the north pole vortex of the lower apple coalesce to become the center point in the double-length tube of the newly created double apple. Explosions of colliding subparticles at this center point will create a new equator for the double apple.

Taking this experiment another step, we could begin with four hydrogen apples and merge them into one helium apple containing two merged apples and two electrons, having lost two electrons. The new helium-apple would thus feature a binary pair of "double protons" (two protons and two "neutrons") orbiting around a common focus.

The outcome of this thought experiment suggests that for bivortex particles the various types of attraction or repellence are brought about by the mechanical interaction of subparticles moving along electromagnetic-style field patterns.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

The bivortex particle is a dynamic topological body consisting of moving subparticles.

The moving subparticles recycle continuously in a bivortex field pattern, which defines the overall bivortex particle. The subparticles spiral inward clockwise to constitute one polar vortex and counterclockwise to constitute an opposite polar vortex. At the vertex of each funnel-like vortex the subparticles converge into the bivortex tube that connects the two vortexes. Within the tube the subparticles travel in tighter and tighter helices toward each other from the opposite poles. They increase in speed and focus until they collide at the center point of the tube and ricochet outward. As they radiate from the center, they create the equatorial bulge of the bivortex's spheroidal shape. The subparticles then arch northward and southward, returning toward the tube and the two vortexes. The subparticles begin a new cycle when they re-enter at the polar vortexes or at intermediate points along the lenghth of the axial tube.

When there is a sufficient attraction of new subparticles from the vicinity of the bivortex and when the spinning of the bivortex tube reaches sufficient speed and focus, the expulsion of subparticles from the central collision point may drive the subparticles well beyond the equatorial circumference of the bivortex and create an equatorial disk. The equatorial disk may reach a considerable distance past the bivortex spheroid's "surface." The subparticles of the disk will successively arch northward or southward from the disk and find their way back to the two polar vortexes, albeit along stretched-out bivortex field lines. They create two sets of loop currents, the northern hemispherical set and the southern hemispherical set. The expelled equatorial subparticles may aggregate into "rings" like the rings of Saturn. Some of them will depart above or below the rings toward the opposite poles, thus forming a halo. Other disk subparticles--those at escape velocity--may break connection and pass beyond the perimeter of the equatorial disk never to return, leaving open field lines and carrying information about the bivortex to neighboring or far-distant places in the universe.

Because of the outward path of subparticles along the equatorial plane, the equatorial disk could be called an "expulsion disk." Historically, however, equatorial disks have been referred to as "accretion disks." Following is a traditional definition of "accretion disk" from the internet Wikipedia encyclopedia:

"An accretion disk is a structure formed by material falling into a gravitational source. Conservation of angular momentum requires that, as a large cloud of material collapses inward, any small rotation it may have will increase. Centrifugal force causes the rotating cloud to collapse into a disk, and tidal effects will tend to align this disk's rotation with the rotation of the gravitational source in the center. Friction between the particles of the disk generates heat and saps orbital momentum, causing material in the disk to spiral inward until it impacts on the central body."

The above paragraph conflicts with the bivortex concept in two ways.

1. The traditional definition has the disk developing from outside as part of the original gravitational formation of a body. On the other hand, the bivortex creates its disk by expelling subparticles from within itself at the equator--a kind of overflow from the influx of particles into the polar vortexes.

2. The traditional definition has material (subparticles) spiraling inward via the disk to be deposited on the central body, presumably, near the equator. On the other hand, the bivortex recycles outgoing subparticles from the disk toward the two poles. Subparticles arriving from outside the bivortex would make contact at the circumference of the disk but would be guided along the hemispherical field lines toward the two polar vortexes.

It would seem desirable to refer to such disks as equatorial disks (instead of accretion disks or expulsion disks). This allows the possibility that the disks could be involved in both expulsion and accretion.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Copyright 2004 George William Kelly

The bivortex particle can be visualized with an ordinary apple as its model.

Imagine the apple as rotating, or spinning. The subparticles that compose this apple bivortex particle flow along field lines that collectively form the shape of the apple. Indeed, the flowing particles constitute the field lines of the bivortex. On the upper half (the stem end) of the apple the subparticles flow into the vortex at the apple's north pole. On the lower half of the apple subparticles flow into the vortex at the apple's south pole. The subparticles spiral into the vortex counterclockwise at the north pole and clockwise at the south pole, in keeping with the Coriolis effect that has long been observed in the earth's weather patterns. Both streams flow into the axial tube (the core of the apple) that connects the two vortexes. At the centerpoint of the tube the two highly focused streams of subparticles collide. The explosions from these collisions radiate subparticles outward from the center of the bivortex apple. The attraction of the rapidly spinning tube, however, pulls these subparticles back to the tube's wall in successive field line arches, either northward or southward from the equatorial plane. The effect is to create the apple's equatorial bulge. Since the escape potential of these radiated subparticles is greatest at the equatorial plane, the field line arches become larger and larger approaching the equatorial surface of the apple.

The flow of bivortex subparticles described above suggests that the apple bivortex field must be a quadrupole field. This differs sharply from the view that the Earth is a dipole magnet whose field lines emerge from one pole and converge at the opposite pole. The dipole concept has been around since the days of William Gilbert and Michael Faraday. It is familiar to schoolchildren who have conducted the famous bar-magnet-with-iron-filings experiment. The field lines of the bivortex, however, emerge as oppositely directed loops from the equatorial plane. These matching sets of bivortex quadrupole field lines diverge in radial succession along the equatorial plane or disk. The northward hemispherical flow lines converge at the north pole, and the southward hemispherical flow lines converge at the south pole. If the Earth is a bivortex body, the Earth should have a quadrupole field instead of a dipole field.

The bivortex quadrupole field flow pattern follows the same pattern as that obtained with a Helmholtz Coil. In the Helmholtz Coil the flow is inward at both poles and outward at the equator. Similarly in the bivortex field there is a helical flow of subparticles down the bivortex tube from both poles toward the center of the tube. The helical flow essentially forms the cylindrical wall of the bivortex tube. The turns or coils of the helices pack closer and closer together as they approach the centerpoint of the tube. They become more perpendicular to the bivortex rotational axis than when they entered as stretched-out spirals. When they reach the center, they radiate outward in a flattened spiral flow along the equatorial plane, gradually spiraling again toward the poles to complete the spheroidal form of the bivortex body.

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